Hi everyone,
I am currently processing data regarding DEGs expression. I am referencing a demo script provided to me. However, in their script they use the "source" command to utilise a function unavailable to me.
This function performs both results and lfcShrink together at the same time.
I am just wondering how I can replicate this myself, would I perform lfcShrink first then results, or vice versa?
Below is the script I am referencing, with results_extract being the funciton unavailable to me:
#40min vs Control
slrcr_slc <- results_extract(dds, "group_LeafSusceptibleRecovery_vs_LeafSusceptibleControl",
alpha = padj.cutoff, shrink = TRUE, type = "apeglm")
slrcr_slc_df <- na.omit(data.frame(slrcr_slc)) %>%
mutate(pass = ifelse(padj < padj.cutoff & abs(log2FoldChange) >= lfc.cutoff,
ifelse(log2FoldChange >= lfc.cutoff, 'Upregulated', 'Downregulated'), 'Stable'))
Meanwhile, this is my attempt at adapting it:
# 40-minutes vs Control
sl40_slc <- results(dds, name = "group_LeafSusceptible40min_vs_LeafSusceptibleControl",
alpha = 0.05, lfcThreshold = 1, contrast = c("group", "LeafSusceptible40min", "LeafSusceptibleControl"))
shrink_sl40_slc <- lfcShrink(dds, coef = 2, type = "apeglm")
#Try shrinkage step first?
sl40_slc_df <- na.omit(data.frame(sl40_slc)) %>%
mutate(pass = ifelse(padj < padj.cutoff & abs(log2FoldChange) >= lfc.cutoff,
ifelse(log2FoldChange >= lfc.cutoff, 'Upregulated', 'Downregulated'), 'Stable'))
This wont give the same results as the demo script I think.
Any help would be appreciated - thank you!