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2.9 years ago
Hi, I am getting the following error when I use the perl script available at rnabio.org tutorial
Could not identify gene id from trans id: Soltu.Cru.S183680.1
This is the relvent part of the script
#Build a map of transcript to gene IDs
my %trans;
my $gtf_fh = IO::File->new($gtf_file, 'r');
while (my $gtf_line = $gtf_fh->getline) {
my @gtf_entry = split("\t", $gtf_line);
next unless $gtf_entry[2] eq 'transcript';
my $g_id = '';
my $t_id = '';
if ($gtf_entry[8] =~ /gene_id\s+\"(\w+)\"/){
$g_id = $1;
if ($gtf_entry[8] =~ /transcript_id\s+\"(\w+)\"/){
$t_id = $1;
die "\n\nCould not identify gene and transcript id in GTF transcript line:\n$gtf_line\n\n" unless ($g_id && $t_id);
$trans{$t_id}{g_id} = $g_id;
The related entry in my GTF file appears as follows;
scaffold11494 MSU_Castle_Russet_v2.0 mRNA 8589 9215 . + . gene_id "Soltu.Cru.S183680"; transcript_id "Soltu.Cru.S183680.1"; ID "Soltu.Cru.S183680.1"; Name "Soltu.Cru.S183680.1"; Parent "Soltu.Cru.S183680";
Can someone help me with this?
Hi JC , Thank you for the answer.