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2.7 years ago
I want to run samtools and pipe the mpileup output into a VarScan call using the following conditions:
- 30 mapping score
- 30 phred quality score
- output-snp format
- min coverage = 50
- min tumor coverage = 3
- p-value = 0.01
- min variant frequency = 4%
`samtools mpileup -B -q 30 -Q 30 -o normal-tumor.mpileup normal_sort.bam tumor_sort.bam | java -jar VarScan.v2.3.9.jar somatic normal-tumor.mpileup output --mpileup 1 --strand-filter 1 --output-snp --min-coverage 50 --min-coverage-tumor 3 --p-value 0.01 --min-var-freq 0.04`
[mpileup] 2 samples in 2 input files
Min coverage: 50x for Normal, 3x for Tumor
Min reads2: 2
Min strands2: 1
Min var freq: 0.04
Min freq for hom: 0.75
Normal purity: 1.0
Tumor purity: 1.0
Min avg qual: 15
P-value thresh: 0.01
Somatic p-value: 0.05
Reading input from /dev/stdin
Reading mpileup input...
27242828 positions in mpileup file
929562 had sufficient coverage for comparison
0 were called Reference
0 were mixed SNP-indel calls and filtered
0 were removed by the strand filter
929562 were called Germline
0 were called LOH
0 were called Somatic
0 were called Unknown
0 were called Variant
I'm expecting an output variant file but I'm only getting true
and output.indel
files. Is the true
file the output variant file?
Please spend some time learning how Unix pipes work. In a nutshell, if you pipe something then you do not name the output. So
should not appear in the first, nor the second command part. That is the whole idea of a pipe, not to save things to a file. VarScan2, despite being old, has a manual page, http://varscan.sourceforge.net/somatic-calling.html, I suggest you follow it.When
is not specified, I get a traceback error:Code:
Which basically means that VarScan does not recognize the input file. Discussed here: Using Samtools mpileup with Varscan https://sourceforge.net/p/varscan/discussion/1073559/thread/27563361/
Googling for "varscan somatic pipe" would have also shown you my previous answer on this: How to get "normal.pileup" file for varscan somatic calling Again, please learn the principles of Unix and pipes. If a tool expects an input and it can be replaced by stdin then you often have to declare that with either
or something like/dev/stdin
.Do you mean something like this: