I want to be able to download / explore data available for https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/bioproject?LinkName=biosample_bioproject&from_uid=10846776
This bioproject consists of : Data Type Raw sequence reads - therefore the fles will be in fasta format.
There are two biosamples present and their landing page leads to https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/biosample/10846776
How can I download these biosamples via webpage / ftp server / programmatically.
I tried the [e-utilities][3] but did not succeed. These commands did not work for me.
efetch -db biosample -id 10846776 -format fasta
esearch -db bioproject -query 517829 |elink -target nuccore | efetch -format fasta
Thanks in advance for your help.
I appreciate the responses. Thanks.
I am experiencing the same problems with handful of bioprojects I am unable to find the SRR number in the website itself. PRJNA232651 PRJNA756149 PRJNA778915 PRJNA778858 PRJNA232651
I checked a couple of these accessions and it appears that these are assembly only submissions i.e. the raw data does not appear to have been submitted.