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2.7 years ago
Dear Community:
I'm trying to convert my SAM file (created by bwa mem) to BAM file. The SAM file could normally viewed and has correct headers. But when I tried to convert it to BAM file, the result would be error code. Could anybody help me to solve this problem?
My converting command is:
samtools view -bS /sample.sam > sample.bam
Looking forward to get your suggestion.
Thanks in advance
What I don't understand is why you do not include the error code you got. This clearly will help us in helping you. In any case, Pierre gave you a clue about your problem. By using the "/" linux will try to find a local or global directory and not a file. Presumably your error code is that the file is not found. Omit the "/" if you are in the same directory than your file
your bam file is in the root directory ?
did you mean