Hello Everyone,
I'm trying to use finestucture to identify the population structure of bacterial sequence. I have the core SNP vcf for all the strains and I don't know what input should I use. the manual is a bit confusing.
Can you please help
Thank you
## Get some data in VCF format
git clone git@github.com:danjlawson/pcapred.ref.git
cp pcapred.ref/inst/extdata/1000G_tinysubset.* .
gunzip 1000G_tinysubset.bim.gz
plink1.9 --bfile 1000G_tinysubset --recode vcf --out 1000G_tinysubset_unphased
## Process each chromosome separately:
for chr in `seq 1 22`; do
## First phase the data:
java -jar $HOME/bin/beagle.28Jun21.220.jar gt=1000G_tinysubset_unphased.vcf out=1000G_tinysubset_chr$chr chrom=$chr
## Convert it to chromopainter format via the safe VCF route:
gunzip 1000G_tinysubset_chr$chr.vcf.gz
perl -Mlocal::lib ~/bin/vcf2cp.pl 1000G_tinysubset_chr$chr.vcf 1000G_tinysubset_chr$chr
## Make a suitable recombination map:
makeuniformrecfile.pl 1000G_tinysubset_chr$chr.phase 1000G_tinysubset_chr$chr.rec
## Run a combined finestructure analysis:
## NB The format {1..22} is bash specific and you may have to list the files individually.
fs 1000G_tinysubset_test.cp -phasefiles 1000G_tinysubset_chr{1..22}.phase -idfile 1000G_tinysubset_chr1.ids -recombfiles 1000G_tinysubset_chr{1..22}.rec -go
OK - maybe to start you could say what your aim is for the project. Then it will be easier to say whether you should just use ChromoPainter or fineSTRUCTURE as well.
I'm trying to do microbial typing for a bacterial specie, Following some paper they do use core genome SNP, Chromopainter and finestructre.
I have generated Core SNP VCF of all my samples but I don't know hot to proceed further.
Thank you for your reply, However, I'm experiencing problems downloading the vcf format.
I've managed to make the following vcf file.
I don't know if it suitable for finestructre or should i use chromopainter? and what additional file do i need. I very confused.
OK - maybe to start you could say what your aim is for the project. Then it will be easier to say whether you should just use ChromoPainter or fineSTRUCTURE as well.
I'm trying to do microbial typing for a bacterial specie, Following some paper they do use core genome SNP, Chromopainter and finestructre. I have generated Core SNP VCF of all my samples but I don't know hot to proceed further.
Thank you for your help