Entering edit mode
2.7 years ago
I would like to put both fileInput and textAreaInput in my app but I do not know how to define them in the server. For example, when choosing fileInput consider the uploaded file, and when choosing textAreaInput consider the entered regions (sep=" |\t").
The below code is working well when I upload a file in bed format but it cannot recognize when I put coordinate as text in the textAreaInput.
Any help would be appreciated!
ui <- fluidPage( tabPanel("Data", icon = icon("database"),
tabsetPanel(type = "pills",
tabPanel("Data Table",icon = icon("table"),
sidebarPanel (
selectInput("choose","Choose file source",choices = c("file","text"),selected = NULL),
fileInput("data_file", "Upload coordinates in .bed/.csv format:",multiple = TRUE,accept = c(".bed",".csv"))),
textAreaInput("data_paste", "Enter coordinates:",placeholder = "Paste like chr1 100 200 per line")),
actionButton("run", label="Run overlap"),
actionButton("add.table", "See overlap results"),
width = "3"),
server <- function (input, output, session) {
## file or text condition
data <- reactiveVal()
eventExpr = input$run,
handlerExpr = {
file = fread(input$data_file$datapath, header=F) %>%
dplyr::rename (chr =V1, start=V2, end=V3) %>% setkey(chr, start, end),
text = data.table(input$data_paste)%>%
dplyr::rename (chr =V1, start=V2, end=V3) %>% setkey(chr, start, end)
) %>% data()
df<-data.table(chr=c("chr3","chr1","chr3","chr2"),start=c(10,180,50,20),end=c(12,250,55,22))%>% setDT() %>% setkey(chr, start, end)
## Run Analyze
analyzed <- eventReactive(input$run, {
query_overlap<- foverlaps(data() ,DF(), nomatch = 0)
output$overlap.table <- renderDT(analyzed())
shinyApp(ui, server)
And getting the below error:
Listening on
Warning: Error in : Can't rename columns that don't exist.
x Column `V2` doesn't exist.
Warning: Error in foverlaps: y and x must both be data.tables. Use
`setDT()` to convert list/data.frames to data.tables by reference or
as.data.table() to convert to data.tables by copying.