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2.6 years ago
Hi, below is my command for analyze repeats using homer:
analyzeRepeats.pl rna hg38 -count genes -d A1 A2 H4_hg38_UCSC -noadj > OutputA1A2A3H4.txt
Tag Directories:
Can't find genome "hg38"...
Assuming hg38 is the name of the orgaism (or use "none")
!!! Can't use "repeats", "rna", or "miRNA" as input file if you don't use a valid homer genome
I am getting errors and the command seems to not be working How do i solve it? Kindly help, Many thanks in advance!
Dear Matthias,
Thanks very much for your reply, it now works & initiated running. But, now it gives another error "could not open tagInfo.txt". Is it necessary that the Tag directories be inside the Homer directory? And, I have created the tag directories using the SAM alignment format. Is it required to convert to BAM for homer to read?
Thanks in advance!
(base) drogel@ubuntu:~$ /home/drogel/Homer/bin/analyzeRepeats.pl rna hg38 -count genes -d A1_hg38_UCSC A2_hg38_UCSC A3_hg38_UCSC H4_hg38_UCSC -noadj > OutputA1A2A3H4.txt Tag Directories: A1_hg38_UCSC A2_hg38_UCSC A3_hg38_UCSC H4_hg38_UCSC Input file format: homerRmsk Filtering based on repeat parameters: kept 82500 of 82500 Calculating read coverage for A1_hg38_UCSC Could not open A1_hg38_UCSC//tagInfo.txt
Hi, I have solved the error by updating the files in the homer directory! Thanks everyone