Hello folks,
I'm trying to create marker to distinguish the Sex of a species eventually. For this I need to do an alignment of the two genes which determine the Sex. Because the gene Sequence on NCBI seems to differ too much from the ones which is present in our PoolSeq samples, I 'm trying to reconstruct both genes based on 2 Conserved regions from one paper. Currenttly I 'm using this perl line to "puzzle" the sequence together step by step.
perl -lane ' if ($_ =~ " Conserved Sequence from literature ") {@array=split(" right part of the sequence "); print $array[1]} ;'
This goes through a PoolSeq fasta file and is supposed to search for a match and then prints everything right next to the match. Then its repeated with the new part of the sequence and so on. But after some steps I don't get any matches anymore.
Maybe anyone knows a better way to reconstruct the genes.
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