hello, I am trying to run gatk cnv caller tutorial and I am facing an error with respect to reference fasta file. I have installed gatk using conda. The code I am trying to run is:
gatk PreprocessIntervals \
-R ~/tutorial/GRCh38/resources_broad_hg38_v0_Homo_sapiens_assembly38.fasta
--padding 0 \
-L ~/tutorial/tutorial_11684/gcnv-chr20XY-contig.list \
-O ~/output/chr20XY.interval_list
and the error i am getting is:
A USER ERROR has occurred: The specified fasta file (file:///home/username/tutorial/GRCh38/resources_broad_hg38_v0_Homo_sapiens_assembly38.fasta) does not exist.
Please give some suggestions if there is any error in the code.
well, the error is quite clear. the path to the file
is wrong. you can check this usingls /home/username/tutorial/GRCh38/resources_broad_hg38_v0_Homo_sapiens_assembly38.fasta
use the correct path.
i checked and it is working fine without any error. I tried changing the permissions of the file and found error: