I am trying to use Homer to analyze my HiChIP data, but I am facing troubles at the very beginning while generating the Tag Directories. I made my Tad Directory based in the next guidelines http://homer.ucsd.edu/homer/interactions/HiCtagDirectory.html
I used the next command:
$PH/makeTagDirectory $outdir/Rubio_1_out /media/drogel/Elements/hicpro/Output1to4/bowtie_results/bwt2/Rubio_HiC_2/Rubio_HiC_2_R1_merged_hg38.bwt2merged.bam,/media/drogel/Elements/hicpro/Output1to4/bowtie_results/bwt2/Rubio_HiC_2/Rubio_HiC_2_R2_merged_hg38.bwt2merged.bam -tbp 1 -genome $genomeID -checkGC -restrictionSite GATC
where PH=path/to/homer/ outdir=path/to/output/directory
But when the directory is generated, there are only tsv files, for example:
chrY.tags.tsv chrY.tags.tsv.R1 chrY.tags.tsv.R2
And then I am not sure what I am doing wrong. The next analysis cannot proceed because of the first error that pops out is:
Using existing Tag Directory (../Rubio_1_out/) !!! Could not open tag information file: ../Rubio_1_out//tagInfo.txt Probably not a valid tag directory. Quitting...
Do you have any Idea how can I solve this?
I have used Hisat2 to align my reads for HiC as single ends. I have been able to get tag directories but the second run using:
makeTagDirectory /mnt/f/SlipC_April26_22/fastq/TagDirectoryPro1/ HiC-noSelfLigation/ -update -genome hg19 -removePEbg -restrictionSite GATC -both -removeSelfLigation -removeSpikes 10000 5
is giving me the following errors:
Couldn't open a sequence file for "1" (/home/ceskiw/.//data/genomes/hg19//genome.fa.masked)
Is this the issue referenced above with aligning using Hisat2 vs Bowtie2?
All the best, Chris