I'm using bowtie1 to align reads from a big dataset (100gb Illumina reads vs 5gb Pacbio reads) and I have created a pipeline to split the alignment in smaller chunks and I'm running the command on an HPC.
I have the output files and it seems that the alignment worked for all 100 chunks.
However in a few cases when I checked the log.file I found this error:
Time loading forward index: 00:00:00 Error outputting data terminate called after throwing an instance of 'int'
The HPC error file is also reporting an error:
line 26: 30288 Aborted bowtie -a -t -5 0 -3 5 -p 32 -v 0 ........
Despite these errors, bowtie is generating the output files and they seem to be correct.
Any suggestions?
Is "ungapped" alignments the reason you are using
bowtie v.1.x
in this case? Have you checked the index (which I assume is made from PacBio reads) usingbowtie-inspect
?Thanks for the reply,
Yes my alignment must be ungapped. I checked the index and is fine also because the error is not related to any particular indexed chunks but happens randomly at every new run.
It might be that i have just to play around with memory usage with my HPC.
This is the command-line that i'm using:
During the indexing and the alignments, the files are moved one by one in a temporary directory and then copied in a final directory.
Let me know what do you think.