I am using the command line BLAST tool to search sequences against a custom database. I ran the following command:
blastp -query . /s3_protein_Sequences_sol_1_10.faa -db ./database/nr -outfmt 6 -num_threads 16 -max_target_seqs 5 -evalue 1e-30 -out s3_protein_Sequequences_taxonomy.txt
Here is the first line of the output table :
NODE_101_length_82643_cov_14.288202_80 / seq_85 / 98.925 / 93 / 1 / 0 / 146 / 238 / 1 93/ 1.72E-63 / 191
As you can see, the names of the columns are not included. Do you know what each number means? I have searched in the documentation but I cannot find the information.
Thanks a lot!