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2.8 years ago
Hi, I am using epic2 for my E.coli ChIP-seq data, But it runs with hg19 genome as default, so I used custom genome fasta file which is in the same folder as the data. I am using this following command:
epic2 -t SO_4933_A_CHR1_R1_sorted.bam -c SO_4933_A_INR1_R1_sorted.bam --genome E.coli_BW25113.fasta --false-discovery-rate-cutoff 0.001 -a -o SO_4933_A_enriched_regions.csv
But it's showing me error
Chromosomes removed from analysis: NZ_CP064677.1 (and 0 more.)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/ibab/.local/bin/epic2", line 257, in <module>
File "/home/ibab/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/epic2/main.py", line 35, in _main
effective_genome_length, chromsizes = egl_and_chromsizes(args)
File "epic2/src/genome_info.pyx", line 325, in epic2.src.genome_info.egl_and_chromsizes
File "epic2/src/genome_info.pyx", line 267, in epic2.src.genome_info.get_effective_genome_fraction
KeyError: 'e.coli_bw25113_75.txt'
how to run this analysis with epic2 for E.coli genome?
Are the chrosome names exactly the same between the custom genome file and the bam files ?