Hi everyone!
I'm curently following this tutorial here for variant calling using gatk: https://gencore.bio.nyu.edu/variant-calling-pipeline-gatk4/
Its very clear and straightfoward, however it uses the HaplotypeCaller function from gatk to generate output in .vcf format (step 4).
When I was looking for GATK best practises for germile variante calling, it uses this same function (HaplotypeCaller) with the output beign in the .gvcf format, and later consolidating and getting the .vcf files. (https://gatk.broadinstitute.org/hc/en-us/sections/360007226651-Best-Practices-Workflows)
I'm wondering which one should I use. I have blood WES data from approximately 30 patients and I'm looking for SNPs and INDELS for specific genes.
Thanks mate!
Hello, I want to know that why my gVCF files have "./." besides "0/0", "1/1"? Thanks
"./." in your gVCF files typically indicates a lack of information or uncertainty about the genotype at that particular position.
This could be due to various reasons such as low sequencing coverage, poor quality of the sequencing data, or the presence of complex variations that make genotype calling difficult.