Hi all
I'm a little confused about where all data is stored and how to retrieve the different pieces for a particular GEO study (GSE113957). I've already retrieved the fastq files using sratools, and I'm looking at retrieving sample metadata now. I've also taken a look on biostars already, but there seem to be a couple of methods that get suggested.
- retrieve metadata through the run selector:
But I'd like to do it programmatically, or at least be able to download it on our server. So then there's several more options:
- Use the Run info CGI
- E-utilities URL call
- E-utilities command line (Entrez Direct?)
I haven't tried the E-utilities yet, since I've got a metadata file using the Run info CGI:
wget -O ./SRP144355_info.csv 'http://trace.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Traces/sra/sra.cgi?save=efetch&db=sra&rettype=runinfo&term= SRP144355'
But the file I've retrieved this way contains more, and different fields than the one retrieved from the run selector.
Could someone point out what the difference is, or if there is a preferred method?
Hi When I run the command you mentioned above (command below), there is no content in the file.
And when I run the command on the web page, it shows "HTTP ERROR 400", do you know how to solve it?