I am trying to learn how to perform a spades assembly in python with multiple fastq files. If I develop a list containing multiple paired-end read files, how would I call "_1.fastq" and "_2.fastq" in each loop to perform separate assemblies? Any helpful references would be great.
Example of list:
Files = ["SRA1_1.fastq", "SRA1_2.fastq", "SRA2_1.fastq", "SRA2_2.fastq"]
What are you talking about? Why would you use these files separately?
A spades assembly works by organizing the files in file pairs or interleaved files. I am trying to call the files in pairs.
If you are unfamiliar, here is an example:
You're using the files together in that command, not separately in two commands. Loop through all R1 and replace "R1" with "R2" where required.
Alternatively, and I think scales better depending on what else a pipeline entails, is to loop through a list of the root names, eg ["SRA1", "SRA2"...] and generate strings that correspond to each R1/R2 of a fastq pair.
Why did you delete the question?