Hello, I am very new to the atac-seq analysis pipeline. I am going to try footprinting analysis of some published ATAC-seq data using TOBIAS. I need the BAM file containing mapped reads, though I only have a few files available to me. Can I go from a bed file (narrow peak) back to the bam file I mentioned? (Off hand, it doesnt seem to be possible since the narrow peak only contains peak metadata)
Alternatively, can I go from a normalized bigwig signal file back to the bam file I need (i.e. mapped read bam file)? The bigwig file is normalized coverage of 1-100 bp ATAC-seq fragments
Here is a line from bed file:
2L 5135 5369 . 105 . rtracklayer sequence_feature . name=V11_3_INTACT_peak_1;signalValue=2.16438;pValue=11.82981;qValue=10.59647;peak=132
Thanks for your patience and help!
I'm sorry but it feels like asking "I've got a steak, can I get the cow ?"
Close, but no CIGAR. You'll need more data.
thank you for these (somewhat polite and helpful) comments---as said in my question, that is what I figured. I have asked the lab for their upstream data (FASTQ, bam)