Hello everyone, I could not find proper answer for my question online. I use DESeq2, limma and edgeR for standard control vs. disease comparison with multiple samples for each condition. Is it possible to test using only one sample of disease and compare it agains the all samples of control group? I asked for DESeq2 but I am open to all other possible options. I have count matrix but also can generate FPKM etc.
Thank you in advance.
This topic is discussed widely online.
For a good starting point see: How to run the Deseq2 tool without replicates
Thank you. As I understand is about analyses without any replicates. I have replicates for both conditions in fact but I am trying to do one sample test. I want to compare one disease sample against whole control samples. I will do the same for all disease samples and have p-values of genes for each disease sample.
So you do have replicates of the disease condition? If that is the case, then can you elaborate on why it is that you want to do single sample differential expression analysis? Is there considerable heterogeneity across the disease samples? What question are you trying to answer by taking this approach?
If we can get a better understanding of what you are trying to achieve we may be able recommend alternative analyses that are better suited to the task.
Yes actually I have replicates for both control and disease but my I am trying to apply a patient-specific differential expression analysis. In the end I want to have a p-value for each gene for each disease sample. Actually I am trying to do something like one-sample t-test but I do not want to use t-test here.