Entering edit mode
2.7 years ago
I tried the following line:
bcftools +fill-tags test.vcf -Ov -o testVT.vcf -- -t VT
But get an error
Error parsing "--tags VT": the tag "VT" is not supported
Is it possible to add variant type annotation to vcf? How to do that? My INFO field contains things like VQSRTrancheSNP99.80to100.00
or VQSRTrancheINDEL99.00to100.00
which indicates the variant type (SNP and INDEL), maybe it's possible to extract it?
Thanks guys.
You should be able to use bcftools query to extract the VQSRTranche... field (along with CHR POS REF and ALT) and then use bcftools annotate to add a modified version of the extracted field as a new annotation.
bcftools might also have an intrinsic SNP/INDEL annotation protocol, plus using REF and ALT lengths might be an option too.