Hi. I'm new conducting analysis from illumina single-cell RNAseq fastq files.
I downloaded SRR5494706 which is scRNAseq fastq file from illumina hiseq 4000.
I tried to aligned the reads with human GENCODE hg38 reference and annotation file with BWA.
bwa mem -t 10 /data/genome_reference/hg38/GENCODE/GRCh38.p13.genome.fa \
/data/fastq/SRR5494706.fastq > /data/sam/SRR5494706.sam
I transfromed sam file to bam using samtools
samtools view -S -b SRR5494706.sam > SRR5494706.bam
Then, I did not know I should add barcode information to bam, so I just used featureCounts to extract read count
featureCounts -T 10 -s 2 -a /data/msahn/genome_reference/hg38/GENCODE/gencode.v40.annotation.gtf \
-o /data/raw_read/test \
Then, I get only one column which means I have only one sample (or one cell) \ It seems that this is because I did not add UMI or barcode information...\ I tried to find whole workflow of extracting read count from illumina single-cell RNAseq fastq file, but all I could find is \ codes that I used above, or cellranger tutorial for 10X genomics. Could someone plz tell me what I should do or maybe\ tell me some website that explains about illumina scRNA-seq data processing?
Thank you for your kind answer. Wow, I think I have to study a lot...