hi folks,
I keep getting this error despite clearly uploading two files per library for paired end fastq
In run, alias:"ena-RUN-TAB-24-05-2022-00:14:25:828-37227", accession:"". In run(ena-RUN-TAB-24-05-2022-00:14:25:828-37227) Paired reads must contain two Fastq files
this is an example of the spreadsheet. i name the library the same and then have two lines, one for each file _1 and _2 for paired end. I am sure that they expect a different format but i cant figure it out. theres literally no examples in the documetation. thanks so much
GM12878_clone4 PRJEB52794 Illumina NovaSeq 6000 gm12878_clone4_early_rt GENOMIC RANDOM PCR WGS PAIRED gm12878_clone4_early_rt_1.fastq.gz
GM12878_clone4 PRJEB52794 Illumina NovaSeq 6000 gm12878_clone4_early_rt GENOMIC RANDOM PCR WGS PAIRED gm12878_clone4_early_rt_2.fastq.gz
I usually work via the webin interface, and not with uploaded spreadsheets but ok.
Can you check/confirm a few things? :
and rest assured, they definitely accept fastq files :)
thanks much! yes i found the correct template that allows for two files in one line
You may be best off contacting help desk at EGA for this.
Thanks. I have tried but it looks like their response time is very long. I have a journal editor asking me to upload ASAP, so I was hoping someone might know the format better. I have spent time answering other peoples questions and just hope someone may be able to identify the issue easily and give a tip or two.