From my department, we are looking at a PC for Nanopore sequencing. Unfortunately, because we are not entirely at home in the computer world, it is difficult for us to estimate what we need. That's why I'm asking for your help.
The nanopore sequencing itself has no special requirements. These are also neatly supplied by Oxford. We are building a pipeline for the data that is subsequently generated. The PC should also be able to handle this pipeline. We will make a pipeline to complete metagenome analysis to determine specific correlations between microbiome in different conditions. This will be done in python. All our question now is, what are the minimum/ideal specs of the PC. Could you help us with this?
If you have any additional questions, please let me know!
I really appreciate any help you can provide!
An NVIDIA GPU is necessary if you want to complete the basecalling in a reasonable amount of time. Depending on the budget, any NVIDIA GPU with a cuda compute capacity of 6.1 or higher should works fine
only if software can take advantage of it. Not every tool out there is GPU-capable.
ONT basecallers are performant only with GPU's.
I assumed that this was already covered because of the mention of
Thank you, I am aware of this. As stated in the post, the requirements for the MinION are provided by oxford. Its mainly the amount of performance we need for the pipeline we are building, which would be mainly RAM and CPU power.