i have been trying to execute r script of variant call analysis in a snakemake
rule VCA analysis:
"Rscript vca.R"
but when i run it, but it gives the error
Installing package into ‘/usr/local/lib/R/site-library’ (as ‘lib’ is unspecified) Warning in install.packages("BiocManager") : 'lib = "/usr/local/lib/R/site-library"' is not writable Error in install.packages("BiocManager") : unable to install packages Execution halted
Consider to install required software first, either locally, conda or via Docker/Singularity. Installing software as part of a pipeline is suboptimal, as it can throw errors that need to be addressed manually.
'lib = "/usr/local/lib/R/site-library"' is not writable
It would appear that you don't have administrator privileges, because that's what is required to install anything in /usr/local/lib directory. Maybe it will work if you install ahead of time the needed packages from that script you are trying to run (or ask someone to do it for you), and then comment out the installation lines.
Consider to install required software first, either locally, conda or via Docker/Singularity. Installing software as part of a pipeline is suboptimal, as it can throw errors that need to be addressed manually.
thanks i will modify script and will install the needed package