I modified the old Seurat::GeneActivityMatrix
function which has since been removed from Seurat, in favor of the functionality provided by Signac. As has been mentioned elsewhere, this package, while excellent, prejudices the analysis of data for which fragment files are unavailable, which is unfortunately the case for lots of interesting published data (e.g. the required data accession contains a simple count matrix in the GEO supplement).
# peak.matrix is a data frame of counts (called peaks from atac raw data
# annotation file is a GFF3 file eg "Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.109.chr.gff3"
CreateGeneActivityMatrix <- function(
seq.levels = c(1:22, "X", "Y"),
include.body = TRUE,
upstream = 2000,
downstream = 0,
verbose = TRUE
) {
plan(multisession, workers = 8)
# convert peak matrix to GRanges object
peak.df <- rownames(x = peak.matrix)
peak.df <- do.call(what = rbind, args = strsplit(x = gsub(peak.df, pattern = ":", replacement = "-"), split = "-"))
peak.df <- as.data.frame(x = peak.df)
colnames(x = peak.df) <- c("chromosome", 'start', 'end')
peaks.gr <- GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame(df = peak.df)
# if any peaks start at 0, change to 1
# otherwise GenomicRanges::distanceToNearest will not work
BiocGenerics::start(peaks.gr[BiocGenerics::start(peaks.gr) == 0, ]) <- 1
# get annotation file, select genes
# anno <- rtracklayer::import(con = annotation.file)
# anno <- GenomeInfoDb::keepSeqlevels(x = anno, value = seq.levels, pruning.mode = 'coarse')
gtf <- rtracklayer::import(con = annotation.file)
gtf <- GenomeInfoDb::keepSeqlevels(x = gtf, value = seq.levels, pruning.mode = 'coarse')
# change seqlevelsStyle if not the same
if (!any(GenomeInfoDb::seqlevelsStyle(x = gtf) == GenomeInfoDb::seqlevelsStyle(x = peaks.gr))) {
GenomeInfoDb::seqlevelsStyle(gtf) <- GenomeInfoDb::seqlevelsStyle(peaks.gr)
gtf.genes <- gtf[gtf$type == 'gene']
# Extend definition up/downstream
if (include.body) {
gtf.body_prom <- Signac::Extend(x = gtf.genes, upstream = upstream, downstream = downstream)
} else {
gtf.body_prom <- SummarizedExperiment::promoters(x = gtf.genes, upstream = upstream, downstream = downstream)
gene.distances <- GenomicRanges::distanceToNearest(x = peaks.gr, subject = gtf.body_prom)
keep.overlaps <- gene.distances[rtracklayer::mcols(x = gene.distances)$distance == 0]
peak.ids <- peaks.gr[S4Vectors::queryHits(x = keep.overlaps)]
gene.ids <- gtf.genes[S4Vectors::subjectHits(x = keep.overlaps)]
# Some gtf rows will not have gene_name attribute
# Replace it by gene_id attribute
gene.ids$Name[is.na(gene.ids$Name)] <- gene.ids$gene_id[is.na(gene.ids$Name)]
peak.ids$gene.name <- gene.ids$Name
peak.ids <- as.data.frame(x = peak.ids)
peak.ids$peak <- rownames(peak.matrix)[S4Vectors::queryHits(x = keep.overlaps)]
annotations <- peak.ids[, c('peak', 'gene.name')]
colnames(x = annotations) <- c('feature', 'new_feature')
# collapse into expression matrix
peak.matrix <- as(object = peak.matrix, Class = 'matrix')
all.features <- unique(x = annotations$new_feature)
if (future::nbrOfWorkers() > 1) {
mysapply <- future.apply::future_sapply
} else {
mysapply <- ifelse(test = verbose, yes = pbapply::pbsapply, no = sapply)
newmat <- mysapply(X = 1:length(x = all.features), FUN = function(x){
features.use <- annotations[annotations$new_feature == all.features[[x]], ]$feature
submat <- peak.matrix[features.use, ]
if (length(x = features.use) > 1) {
return(Matrix::colSums(x = submat))
} else {
newmat <- t(x = newmat)
rownames(x = newmat) <- all.features
colnames(x = newmat) <- colnames(x = peak.matrix)
return(as(object = newmat, Class = 'dgCMatrix'))
Did you solve this problem? I am also struggled in creating ChromatinAssay object without fragment files......
Signac retiring the CreateGeneActivityMatrix was a really bad choice as there are lots of GEO datasets without fragment files