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2.7 years ago
I am working with a dataset, and would like to represent the results through a heatmap
via ComplexHeatmap
R package. How do I adjust/decrease the size of the row_split
label names (as shown in the figure below). I have many labels to adjust in the data.matrix
, and some of them get overlapped making it difficult to read the labels. Please assist.
Feature Compound E0 P0 R0
Feature_5_Compound_1 Feature_5 Compound_1 0.6594924 4.735091 -0.2830820
Feature_1_Compound_3 Feature_1 Compound_3 -1.0881433 2.082646 -0.4150097
Feature_2_Compound_3 Feature_2 Compound_3 -0.2826396 2.708727 0.0895918
Feature_7_Compound_1 Feature_7 Compound_1 0.3080215 2.872283 0.3606701
Feature_5_Compound_2 Feature_5 Compound_2 2.4923434 4.986943 2.8683555
Feature_6_Compound_2 Feature_6 Compound_2 0.5945302 1.496006 -1.0255425
Feature_3_Compound_1 Feature_3 Compound_1 -0.1334314 2.078446 0.5095870
row_ha = rowAnnotation(df = data.frame(Compounds = new.df_v3$Compound),
show_annotation_name = TRUE,
col = list(Compounds = c("Compound_1" ="forestgreen","Compound_2" ="orange", "Compound_3" = "cyan")))
pdf("Test.pdf",height = 7, width = 7)
Heatmap(new.df_v3[, -c(1:2)],
name = "log2FC",
col = circlize::colorRamp2(c(-4, 0, 4), c("blue", "white", "red")),
na_col = "grey",
cluster_rows = F,
cluster_columns = F,
left_annotation = row_ha,
row_split = new.df_v3$Compound,
column_title = "Test",
column_title_side = "top",
row_labels = new.df_v3$Feature,
row_names_side = c("right"),
row_names_max_width = unit(10,"in"),
row_title_gp = gpar(fontsize = 15),
column_title_gp = gpar(fontsize = 20, fontface = "bold"),
column_names_gp = gpar(fontsize =15),
row_names_gp = gpar(fontsize = 8),
show_column_names = T)
Best Regards,
cpad0112 This fixed the issue. Thank you so much. Somehow, It slipped from my mind to test this code argument.