I would like to find a good approach or R/Python package that would help me to find differential subpathways of selected KEGG metabolic pathways. As input, I have expression data of N samples or differential expression data for G group comparisons. Let's say, I have differential expression data for cancer versus normal. Moreover, I also have KEGG gene sets in *.gmt files.
What kind of approach would you recommend to 1. map the differential expression or expression data to genes (nodes) of a selected metabolic network 2. find differential subpathways/node groups within a network between two sample groups?
So far I used MetaboSignal which is good for constricting the KEGG metabolic networks. I have also tried MIDAS to find differential subpathways, although it only worked with signaling pathways and not with metabolic pathways.
Any suggestions?
Fyi, we've published the update, so you can read the description of the pipeline here: https://academic.oup.com/nar/advance-article/doi/10.1093/nar/gkac427/6594078