Hello, I am using Docker to run a primer design pipeline https://github.com/UMCUGenetics/SHARC and am having issues with mounting my data to the container. The command I have been running is:
docker run --mount type=bind,source="($PWD)"/sharc_data,destination=/tmp -it jaesvi/sharc --fastqdir /tmp/sample_data
The fastq data is located in the sample_data directory, but when the container is run I keep getting the error: "Fastq directory /tmp/sample_data does not exists."
I have tried several variations of the source-destination pairing such as typing out the explicit path for source. And a multitude more for destination. Regardless I either get that "No such file or directory exists", "No fastq files were found in directory " ".
Where do I have to mount my local drive in the container, and how would I reference the path to the fastq file in my docker run call? Been stuck on this for a while so any help would be appreciated!
What does the output from
docker container inspect --format '{{ index .Mounts }}' YOURCONTAINERNAME
show? Does the mounting work?When run on the previous container I get:
So it looks like our bind mount is working, but we still don't get any output when running the command, our output folders are empty.