Hi everyone I am doing Metagenome assembly using megahit, I have tried with different parameters available in megahit with the same file. I want to know which is the best parameter, here I have attached the metaquast result for those files.
1) final.contigs: - K-list 21,29,39 -141 parameters without unpaired end from trimmomatic
2) Un_defult_final.contigs: -K-list 21,29,39 -141 parameters with unpaired end from trimmomatic
3) WUn_defulat_final.contigs: - default parameters with unpaired end from trimmomatic WU_ML_final.contigs
4) WU_ML_m5final.contigs: -with --preset meta-large
5) WU_MS_final.contigs: -with --preset meta-sensitive.
can someone explain which is the best assembly for binnig?
Thank you