How many alignments contain deletion ? in bam file.. how can we check this please someone help me ....
How many alignments contain deletion ? in bam file.. how can we check this please someone help me ....
Pysam in python and samtools can extract CIGAR string. D in CIGAR string refers to deletion.
You can subset all reads to aligned in BAM. Then test if "D" occurs in the CIGAR string read by read, return 1 if yes, 0 if others, append a new value for list countD. Last, sum all in countD. You should get a total num of deletion alignment.
I can't remember if there is any straightforward tool can do this job. For me, I'll write a python script to do it following the above logic.
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Find count of reads in BAM file that fall within BED region
UPDATE: I think the post was edit. The original was somehing like "how to count the number of reads in a deletion"
I could't understand..... that how i can perform this..?
thank u so much
and how can we check that the how many alignments are spliced...?
this is another question. Look at the BAM specifcation, look at the CIGAR string.
thank u so much for guiding me in a very good way....
can u mention yous utube channel link or videos link...?
sure, here is a video of David Bowie.
I was assuming I'm gonna be rick rolled by you but actually not... :D
this is a song but i want bioinformatics linx related videos...!
and there are 2 reads comes namely as read1 and read2 which one is on bed region