Hello to everyone! I have the results of some RNA Seq analysis and I am trying to apply over representation analysis using clusterprofiler. I get the DEGs and then I divide them to upregulated and downregulated. Next I use the clusterprofiler to apply the overepresentation test but the result of a set of one upregulated gene set and one downregulated gene set gives back zero enriched terms. I am trying to get a goplot (goplot()) and enrichment maps (emapplot()) and in the instance of the downregulated gene set although I cant get a goplot I can get the enrichment map. My question is if that is normal sometimes and if not where i am mistaken. Also how is it possible to create the enrichment map aout of no enriched terms? Thanks in advance!
How many upregulated and downregulated genes do you have?
Hello thanks for replying. I have 172 downregulated and 216 up regulated. Note that these are from different expreimnts and not from the same.