I am running some RNA-Seq analysis on our institutional cluster using the Tophat-Cufflinks protocol, while a colleague is analyzing the same data on usegalaxy.org using the Tuxedo protocol. When he tried to align the trimmed paired-end fastq files using hisat2
, he received an error saying HISAT2 error: fewer reads in file specified with -2 than in file specified with -1
(but fastqc revealed this to not be true). So, to confirm whether there was anything wrong with the run, we ran hisat2
as single-end data (submitted forward and reverse reads separately), and it ran successfully. I went through a couple of posts and found out that the error could be due to hisat2
not running properly, and could have nothing to do with the number of reads.
Now, our option is to try running hisat2
again with both reads, or to merge the forward and reverse bam files into one. We found one tool -
Convert, Merge, Randomize bam files
I was wondering whether it would serve my purpose, or would it be better to use any other tool, or try to align both reads
Hoping to gain some insight on this one
Thanks in advance
It seems to be a problem of the trimming rather than the aligner itself, can you share a little bit more on what trimming strategy are you using?