Hi All!
I would like to know how can I run BLAST locally in multiple files. Here is the command I am using for a single file:
bsub -n 16 blastp -query sequences_dsrb_sol_1_10.fasta -db database/nhr -outfmt '6 std salltitles' -num_threads 16 -max_target_seqs 1 -evalue 1e-30 -out faa_two_testing_s3_proteins_sol_1_10_taxonomy.txt
And here is the command I tried for multiple files:
bsub -n 16 ls *.fasta | parallel -a - blastp -query {} -db database/nhr -outfmt '6 std salltitles' -num_threads 16 -max_target_seqs 1 -evalue 1e-30 -out {}.txt
However, I get the following error:
/usr/bin/bash: blastp: command not found
Do you know any other methods to run BLAST in parallel for multiple fasta files?
Thank you!
Hi GenoMax!
I try to load the module from the shell file but it always sends an error. Even if I run it outside without a shell file, seems like it doesn't run BLAST if the parallel command is there. Do you know what could be happening?
contact your system admin and ask them how your system is set up
So sounds like you are using
for software management on your cluster? So relevant module would need to be added in the shell or inside your script.If you have a job scheduler available then using that for independent jobs to run blast on the list of files makes more sense than using