Entering edit mode
2.7 years ago
I want to make alignments for multiple fastq files. They are named as follows:
forwardC123_1.fq.gz forwardC124_1.fq.gz forwardC124_1.fq.gz forwardC126_1.fq.gz . .
and reverseC123_1.fq.gz reverseC124_1.fq.gz reverseC124_1.fq.gz reverseC126_1.fq.gz . .
I have tried the following code in the script from a previous post
total_files=`find -name '*.fq.gz' | wc -l`
arr=( $(ls *.fq.gz) )
echo "mapping started" >> map.log
echo "---------------" >> map.log
for ((i=0; i<$total_files; i+=2))
sample_name=`echo ${arr[$i]} | awk -F "_" '{print $1}'`
echo "[mapping running for] $sample_name"
printf "\n"
echo "bwa mem -t 12 GRCh38.primary_assembly.genome.fa ${arr[$i]} ${arr[$i+1]} > $sample_name.sam" >> map.log
bwa mem GRCh38.primary_assembly.genome.fa ${arr[$i]} ${arr[$i+1]} > $sample_name.sam
This is the error
./Alignment_bwa_TEST.sh: line 19: syntax error: unexpected end of file
Can anyone please assist or recommend some other script/changes? I have in total 23 paired end files.
you should use a workflow manager like Snakemake or Nextflow.