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2.5 years ago
I'm trying to download SKCM melanoma samples to R, using the package TCGAbiolinks
. The wanted data is RNA-seq expression matrix, along with the metadata. Pretty basic.
This is the code right from the beginning:
GDCprojects = getGDCprojects()
query_TCGA = GDCquery(
project = "TCGA-SKCM",
data.category = "Transcriptome Profiling",
data.type = "Gene Expression Quantification",
experimental.strategy = "RNA-Seq",
workflow.type = "STAR - Counts",
sample.type = c("Primary Tumor")) # picked primary
skcm_res = getResults(query_TCGA) # make results as table
GDCdownload(query = query_TCGA)
tcga_data = GDCprepare(query_TCGA)
However, the last line of code gives me this error:
> tcga_data = GDCprepare(query_TCGA)
|=================================================================================|100% Completed after 24 s
Error in `vectbl_as_col_location()`:
! Can't subset columns past the end.
ℹ Locations 2, 3, and 4 don't exist.
ℹ There is only 1 column.
Run `rlang::last_error()` to see where the error occurred.
There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the first 50)
What does this mean and how do I fix this error? thank you.
Please post on Bioconductor Support: https://support.bioconductor.org/
Thank you Kevin Blighe