I have RNA-seq data from two different treatment groups (F and NF ) at 2 different time points (T1 and T2). The mapping was done with STAR aligner and the quantification was done with FeatureCounts. I run differential expression with Deseq2 and limma-voom and the number of DEGs is very different between the two methods. In the comparison between F : T2 vs T1 i have 40 DEGs with Deseq2 whereas I get 3302 DEGs with limma by using the same covariates.
The same issue is encountered also in comparisson NF: T2 vs T1 where Deseq2 gives 30 DEGs whereas limma 3844. From a biological prespective we anticipate more DEGs in the comparison of F : T2 vs T1. So Deseq2 seems to follow this trend but with very few DEGs whereas limma returns much more hits in NF: T2 vs T1 comparison.
Do you think that this huge difference in the number of the DEGs from each tool is explained (different apllied algorithms/methods) or something may be wrong with the input data?
Thank you
Without code it is hard to comment. Two methods will never agree 100%, but this difference suggests that analysis code in at least one or both is flawed or at least not done in a way that a like-for-like comparison can be done. Please add relevant code.
I am using as input counts and the same covariates. I will try to make the code better and paste it. thank you
I am using a count matrix made after mapping with STAR and quantification with featureCounts. I also filtered the lowly expressed genes based on a threshold of FPKM (<1 in the 20% of the sample) that's why the count matrix has this name.
My count matrix looks like this example:
My covariates table looks like this example :
The code for each method using the same count matrix and the same covariates:
The results for the paired analysis F : T2 Vs T1 for Deseq2 with padjustes < 0.05 are: 26 DEGs and for limma with padjustes < 0.05 : 3041 (1722 UP and 1319 DOWN).
How do you explain this huge difference? I tried also to use contrast or different design order and each time I have different results in limma.