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2.7 years ago
Hi all,
When I'm using FeaturePlot()
for one gene, my graph has the color gradient guide but when I want to plot multi genes, the color gradient guide is missed.
FeaturePlot(seurat.HSC, features ='Ecm1', min.cutoff = 'q10')
FeaturePlot(seurat.HSC, features = c('Ecm1','Gucy1b1','Acta2'), min.cutoff = 'q10',
split.by = 'sample' )
How to solve it? Thanks for any help.
Also, you can use FeaturePlot_scCustom:
FeaturePlot_scCustom(seurat_object = seurat.HSC, min.cutoff = 'q10', features = c('Ecm1','Gucy1b1','Acta2'), split.by = "sample_id", num_columns = 3)