I was about to re-run the mapping step to create BAM files with hg19 coordinates, but realised that perhaps it's easier to convert the existing GRCh37 BAM files to hg19 coordinates, without having to re-run the aligner completely.
I looked around for ways to do this but only find methods for creating chain files e.g. hg19-h38.
I would greatly appreciate some help with this. :-]
GRCh37 is hg19.
is simply a synonym.Edit: I should add that the major genome build is identical. There are specific differences in some components noted in my comment below.
See: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/assembly/GCF_000001405.13/
I was under the impression that chrM was actually different between the two?
While major genome builds are identical there are specific differences in non-chromosomal members: https://gatk.broadinstitute.org/hc/en-us/articles/360035890711-GRCh37-hg19-b37-humanG1Kv37-Human-Reference-Discrepancies
There is a comparison table.
see Bam File: Change Chromosome Notation