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2.5 years ago
Hi all,
The STAR program does not work after the mapping. I am making a loop to map multiple fastq files:
`cat lista | while read l; do STAR \
--genomeDir index \
--runThreadN 30 \
--readFilesIn $l\_1*PE.fastq $l\_2*PE.fastq \
--outFileNamePrefix STAR/$l\_ \
--quantMode GeneCounts \
--outSAMtype BAM SortedByCoordinate; done`
The program works up to the mapping. But it doesn't finish and doesn't have any message as a result:
`Jul 04 15:15:09 ..... started STAR run
Jul 04 15:15:09 ..... loading genome
Jul 04 15:15:40 ..... started mapping`
Please, help me!
Many thanks
Can you confirm the program finished (with or without error) ?
mapping reads can take a while
Many thanks for your reply. The program finished without any error. When I want to index the genome, a Killed message appears:
Nope. So the program fails within a couple of minutes. How much RAM are you allocating for this job? Do not use 30 threads unless you have 80-100G of RAM to assign to this job.
As long as you have 30-40 GB I would suggest using 8 cores.
Using STAR to sort the output is not efficient. It adds to RAM overhead. It would be best to sort your BAM afterwards using
.I tried with 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 30, 50 cores but it still gives the same error. Do you have any other suggestions?
pelase! many thanks for your reply and tips!
My suggestion still stands. How much memory do you have available? If you don't have enough RAM and the job keeps getting killed because of that number of cores will not matter. For human genome (for size reference, if you are using something else) STAR needs 30-40G of free RAM.
You pre-created the index using
--runMode genomeGenerate
correct? If not, you need to do that first before you align. That part also needs the same amount of RAM as noted above.Yes, I think you are right because I ran the same code on my pc that has 32 ram and it was perfect. Yes, I am working with --runMode genomeGenerate. I am working on the University server. Please, can you tell me how I can know how much memory was allocated to me?
I already got to see. I have only 3.2 Gb. I think that's really the problem. I'll talk to the manager. Thank you all very much for your collaboration.
are you working on a cluster ? if yes, do you _use_ it ?
Yes Pierre, i am working on a cluster of the University. Pero no tengo permisos para aumentar mi memoria :(
I am sorry. I am working on a cluster of the University. But I do not have I don't have administrator permissions to increase my memory
but do you __use__ the cluster using qsub or sbatch ?
I am using qsub Pierre. But now it is working, I think the problem was the insufficient memory. Many thanks my friend!
use a workflow manager like snakemake or nextflow.