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2.5 years ago
I have an issue with my alignment.
This is an error in my log file: fail to read the header from "-".
Here is my script:
bwa mem -t 8 -R "@RG\tID:$2\tSM:$3" ~/scratch/pt6/pt6.fa ${1}_1.fastq.gz ${1}_2.fastq.gz 2>log.bwa_new.$1 |samtools view -S -h -b - >$1.unsorted1.bam 2>>log.bwa_new.$1
Samtools version: 1.10; Bwa version: 0.7.17-r1188
I would very glad if you could help me!
Thank you!
what is the output of
Dear Pierre,
Here is the answer to your questions (Iguess it works):
what i sthat altai5 in front of '@SQ' ?
It is the name of the fastq.gz file. It is not part of the file. My apologies. it just pops up when I run the bash script in prompt.
This is my command to run the script:
for f in `ls *i5_1.fastq.gz |cut -d"_" -f1`; do echo -ne "$f"; bash script_name $f HN AL5; done
I changed " to ' and it worked -_-
Thank you so much!