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2.4 years ago
I was trying to do gene set enrichment analysis on genes using fgsea
geneSets <- msigdbr(species = "Mus musculus", category = "C5", subcategory = "BP")
geneSets$gene_symbol <- toupper(geneSets$gene_symbol)
geneSets <- geneSets[geneSets$gene_symbol %in% names(trade_obj_condition),]
m_list <- geneSets %>% split(x = .$gene_symbol, f = .$gs_name)
stats <- assocRes$waldStat_lineage1_conditionWT
names(stats) <- rownames(assocRes)
eaRes <- fgsea(pathways = m_list, stats = stats, nperm = 5e4, minSize = 10)
but I get the following error:
error in preparePathwaysAndStats(pathways, stats, minSize, maxSize, gseaParam, :
Not all stats values are finite numbers
Any idea to solve this?
Spink1 Ctla2a Ttr Rbp4 Myl3 Hba-x Dcc Dppa5a Acta1 Dqx1 Tagln
1.731774e+02 2.034629e+01 2.191111e+01 2.020563e+01 4.305591e+02 1.695716e+00 1.667912e+02 0.000000e+00 3.231235e+02 0.000000e+00 6.934187e+02
Trh Actc1 Postn Flt1 Hba-a1 Kcnh7 Cldn5 Pyy Rhox5 Adam2 Ankrd1
1.830701e+02 2.125486e+03 1.942966e+02 8.704570e+00 NA 2.572836e+02 NA 1.560577e+02 3.586355e-01 3.994400e+00 2.834636e+01
Col1a2 Myh6 Col3a1 Dlg2 Myl7 Myh7 Ptcra Tnnt2 Apela Nrxn3 Sst
2.790170e+02 1.688836e+03 5.115189e+02 1.815414e+02 4.212569e+03 1.406209e+03 4.014118e+00 2.320943e+03 5.262045e+01 9.482058e+01 6.477689e+00
Col1a1 Ttn Hapln1 Tdo2 Myl1 4930445E18Rik Rspo2 Cck Cdh5 S100a6 Myl2
7.761603e+02 3.586401e+03 4.371536e+01 2.601059e+01 1.297247e+01 4.527971e+00 NA 8.315099e+01 NA 4.034738e+01 2.728818e+01
Myl4 Ramp2 Ctnna2 Slc8a1 Pnmt Ccl2 Pkp1 Tac2 Hpse2 Pcdh9 Ctsh
3.112504e+03 4.595012e+01 NA 1.989356e+03 6.170063e+01 NA NA 3.782578e+01 1.645022e+01 7.450837e+01 1.141692e-03
Plvap Car4 Epcam Gfod2 Gm32916 Csmd3 Tnc Igfbp3 Tdgf1 Lum Erbb4
2.143969e+01 4.409012e+02 1.307938e+03 3.907799e-01 9.920453e-02 1.807980e+02 7.450541e+01 8.641306e+01 6.550384e+02 1.867955e+02 5.431297e+01
Reln Spp1 Dcn Dlk1 Pmp22 Sh3bgr Pgam2 5430431A17Rik Rfx4 Cped1 Xlr5a
2.886761e+01 1.235584e+01 5.226432e+00 3.065704e+02 3.223237e+01 1.502181e+03 7.471301e+02 8.126171e+02 2.423789e-01 4.923818e+02 0.000000e+00
Hbb-bh1 Kirrel3 Nnat Casp8 Ddb2 Nav3 Wnt1 Ebf1 Slit2 Col6a3 Fkbp6
1.846295e+00 NA 7.804629e+01 2.390873e+01 0.000000e+00 6.040221e+01 2.928268e+01 7.793435e+01 6.988499e+02 2.360845e+00 NA
What is unclear? I see NAs in your data, these are not finite, and that's what the error tells you. What is the tool that returns the ranking metric? You need to rank by something that is continuous and has no missing or infinite values.
ok, I know the problem but I was trying to understand if make sense to remove directly genes with NA values
The question is why there are NAs.