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2.4 years ago
Hello, everyone, I am trying to trim sequences from RNA seq data with Trimmomatic. For reference, I am using a Mac, and I have trimmomatic-0.39.jar in the trimmomatic folder in the Applications. My data is on a folder on the desktop and I have set this folder as my working directory in the terminal. I am putting in the following code.
java -jar Applications/Trimmomatic-0.39/trimmomatic-0.39.jar PE -threads 3 -phred33 raw_data/CON1/CON1_1.fq.gz raw_data/CON1/CON1_2.fq.gz trimmed/CON1_1.tp.fq.gz CON1_1.up.fq.gz/ CON1_2.tp.fq.gz/ CON1_2.up.fq.gz/ SLIDINGWINDOW:5:28 MINLEN:60
However, I continued to get an error saying:
Error: Unable to access jarfile Applications/trimmomatic-0.39/trimmomatic-0.39.jar
I am unsure why this is happening. I am basically learning how to do these kinds of analysis for the first time and have basically no experience, so if someone could point me in the right direction it would be very appreciated.
I think you have a
problem.should be (note
before that refers to your home directorySee if that works.
Hi, I tried it this way it didn't work. In addition, when I move the trimmomatic-0.39.jar program into my workin directory and try to run it this way I get an error saying invalid or corrupt file.
Now you have a different problem. Looks like your copy of this Jar file may be corrupt.
What was the problem?
Would you happen to know why it is corrupt? I already downloaded it twice and even dowloaded an earlier version and it does not work