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2.6 years ago
I had a text file, consisting of codeml output.
I'd like to rearrange the Original text file into a nice format (below) when their is \n
. Suggestions.
Original file -
lnL = -334.227266
lnL = -334.227266
lnL = -321.454615
lnL = -325.325316
Model: One dN/dS ratio for branches,
Nei & Gojobori 1986. dN/dS (dN, dS)
t= 0.0228 S= 33.6 N= 245.4 dN/dS= 0.1244 dN = 0.0041 dS = 0.0331
t= 0.0228 S= 33.6 N= 245.4 dN/dS= 0.1244 dN = 0.0041 dS = 0.0331
t= 0.0000 S= 31.7 N= 247.3 dN/dS= 0.0010 dN = 0.0000 dS = 0.0000
t= 0.0000 S= 31.1 N= 247.9 dN/dS= 0.0010 dN = 0.0000 dS = 0.0000
t= 0.0228 S= 33.6 N= 245.4 dN/dS= 0.1244 dN = 0.0041 dS = 0.0331
t= 0.0000 S= 27.4 N= 251.6 dN/dS= 2.0000 dN = 0.0000 dS = 0.0000
t= 0.0119 S= 33.2 N= 245.8 dN/dS= 0.0010 dN = 0.0000 dS = 0.0331
t= 0.0109 S= 31.4 N= 247.6 dN/dS= 99.0000 dN = 0.0041 dS = 0.0000
t= 0.0109 S= 31.4 N= 247.6 dN/dS= 99.0000 dN = 0.0041 dS = 0.0000
t= 0.0119 S= 33.2 N= 245.8 dN/dS= 0.0010 dN = 0.0000 dS = 0.0331
lnL = -389.618240
lnL = -403.414349
lnL = -396.165769
lnL = -430.934701
lnL = -428.190811
lnL = -438.314006
lnL = -430.934701
lnL = -428.190811
Model: One dN/dS ratio for branches,
Nei & Gojobori 1986. dN/dS (dN, dS)
t= 0.0216 S= 55.1 N= 247.9 dN/dS= 0.0010 dN = 0.0000 dS = 0.0394
t= 0.0429 S= 54.9 N= 248.1 dN/dS= 0.0689 dN = 0.0041 dS = 0.0601
t= 0.0207 S= 56.8 N= 246.2 dN/dS= 0.2171 dN = 0.0041 dS = 0.0189
t= 0.1162 S= 64.3 N= 238.7 dN/dS= 0.0257 dN = 0.0043 dS = 0.1665
t= 0.1022 S= 64.3 N= 238.7 dN/dS= 0.0296 dN = 0.0043 dS = 0.1445
t= 0.1253 S= 62.8 N= 240.2 dN/dS= 0.0505 dN = 0.0085 dS = 0.1688
t= 0.1162 S= 64.3 N= 238.7 dN/dS= 0.0257 dN = 0.0043 dS = 0.1665
t= 0.1022 S= 64.3 N= 238.7 dN/dS= 0.0296 dN = 0.0043 dS = 0.1445
t= 0.1253 S= 62.8 N= 240.2 dN/dS= 0.0505 dN = 0.0085 dS = 0.1688
t= 0.0000 S= 70.0 N= 233.0 dN/dS= 0.0010 dN = 0.0000 dS = 0.0000
t= 0.1162 S= 64.3 N= 238.7 dN/dS= 0.0257 dN = 0.0043 dS = 0.1665
t= 0.1022 S= 64.3 N= 238.7 dN/dS= 0.0296 dN = 0.0043 dS = 0.1445
Expected output-
I'd like to parse the text file in to a under-stable format
ID InL t S N dN/dS dN dS
OG0022515_M0 lnL = -334.227266 t= 0.0228 S= 33.6 N= 245.4 dN/dS= 0.1244 dN = 0.0041 dS = 0.0331
OG0022515_M0 lnL = -334.227266 t= 0.0228 S= 33.6 N= 245.4 dN/dS= 0.1244 dN = 0.0041 dS = 0.0331
OG0022515_M0 lnL = -334.227266 t= 0.0000 S= 31.7 N= 247.3 dN/dS= 0.0010 dN = 0.0000 dS = 0.0000
OG0022515_M0 lnL = -321.454615 t= 0.0000 S= 31.1 N= 247.9 dN/dS= 0.0010 dN = 0.0000 dS = 0.0000
OG0022515_M0 lnL = -325.325316 t= 0.0228 S= 33.6 N= 245.4 dN/dS= 0.1244 dN = 0.0041 dS = 0.0331
I tried this
What have you tried?