Hi all, I hope you are doing well. I have a tab-delimited file (about 60000 rows). The first column has information about the transposable element subfamily (eg: SINE, LINE, LTR or ERV). any Idea how can I sort them according to this information? I have attached an example to make it more clear.
I really appreciate any help you can provide.
ps: the file has three columns, one contains strings and two columns with numbers only.
chr6|42126072|42126376|AluSg:Alu:SINE|79|-,- 75.27258521 -1.598304168
chr6|106863597|106863885|THE1B:ERVL-MaLR:LTR|102|+,- 5.261992063 -4.333613608
chr7|73829665|73829806|L2a:L2:LINE|331|+,+ 10.93709267 3.390930038
chr2|60928170|60929829|L1PA2:L1:LINE|18|+,+ 777.2062642 -0.943366885
chr15|42079918|42080207|MER33:hAT-Charlie:DNA|174|-,- 21.23243208 -3.026516149
chr12|14620131|14620527|MER57C2:ERV1:LTR|199|+,+ 72.34162087 -1.262584508
chr15|66887807|66888452|LTR8:ERV1:LTR|65|-,- 25.45794673 -4.407397479
chr11|64988838|64988985|MIRb:MIR:SINE|288|+,- 16.14047449 -2.830192579
I'm not sure if OP changed their question after you added the comment, but this won't help sort anything.
Couldn't this just be piped into sort?
OP didn't change the post. It was my mistake in understanding. Code I posted will write each element (SINE,DNA etc) into individual files. Following code posted by you (@ Ram) will sort the file by elements.
Not a mistake, really. "Sort" can have two meaning and without examples from OP, understanding their requirement can be inexact.
If you don't mind using R, here's a quick solution. For columns I didn't know what they were, I just named them Unknown 1 and Unknown 2. I did the same for the Transposon column (named the three One, Two, Three, with Three having the information you wanted to sort by.)
Please mention that this is R 4.2+ - not everyone is using the latest R with the builtin pipe operator. Or, given that you're using tidyverse, use magrittr's
so your code becomes a little more backward compatible.Native pipe is 4.1 just FYI.
Ah good point - I've gotten so used to the native pipe. Changed it here and will for the other post I just made!
Thank you very much for all the answers and sorry for the late reply. for some reason, I didn't get any notification. using sort -t: -k3,3 test.txt solved my problem.
Best regards Surar