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2.6 years ago
Dear bioinformatic comunit,
I am new to using DESeq2, and I have a problem generating a dds object, in which I have the following error.
> dds.rsem <- DESeqDataSetFromTximport(tx.rsem, coldata, design = ~ Tissue + Location + Genotype + Time_point + Genotype:Time_point)
Error in validObject(.Object) :
invalid class “SummarizedExperiment” object:
nb of cols in 'assay' (1) must equal nb of rows in 'colData' (132)
However, when I look in my tx.rsem and coldata files look normal with the correct number of cols and rows, both with 132.
I would like to know if someone can give me some help, please?
I really appreciate any help you can provide.
No one can help you if they can't see a thing. Post the dimensions and first few lines of tx.rsem and coldata.
Here are the first lines of coldata
first lines of tx.rsem:
Okay...so are you absolutely positive that tx.rsem is in the right format for importing? It looks like your file has only a single column, and the error message suggests the same.
Yes, I am.
Now I did not use some commands that I was using before and it worked. But I am not sure if it is correct, but all the next commands worked well.
I was using the following command which I am not using now.
colnames(tx.rsem$counts) <- sub("hypogaea","I801_L", colnames(tx.rsem$counts)) tx.rsem$counts <- tx.rsem$counts[rownames(coldata)]