I am trying to update the outdated rsids in a plink .bim file based on .bim end chrom position via a file I created on ucsc genome browser. The ucsc file all-snp.csv I generated has col1 (X.chrom), col2 (chromEnd) col3 (updated rsid) and the faulty.bim file has col1 (x), col2 (old rsid), col4 (chromEnd):
system("./plink --file faulty.bim --update-name all-snp.csv 2 4 --make-bed -out correctedBim.bim")
With the above command, I am getting an error:
Error: Failed to open faulty.bim.map
Would anybody be able to guide me as far as what I am doing wrong? Thank you.
Thank you so much for the quick and helpful reply!