Dear Biostars Community,
I'm trying to correct for degraded samples using the 3' tag counting published method (
"The 3TC method involves changing the GTF annotation file, that is used when counting, in two steps; i) isoform filtering and ii) transcript length restriction. The isoform filtering step selects which isoform of each gene to retain as to prevent count contamination from overlapping isoforms. "
As the article was from 2014 they used Cufflinks to select the most expressed isoform within a gene. Currently I'm struggling in finding the current reliable method to obtain a similar result, as I was told that there are several more recent methods. I made a test with StringTie, But I'm sure is the best fit for my need.
Thank you in advance for any suggestion.
Best regards,
If anyone will need the full pipeline to get to the result, contact me in private