Does anyone know tools to see the contents in PacBio movie files. I get movie files in three different formats: fasta, fastq and bam. But these files are different from the Illumina files and it is not possible to read the contents using the cat or head command.
Is the raw data from sequel instrument comes as bam files which is converted as movie files (fasta, fastq and bam).
PacBio data files should be no different than Illumina files except that each read may be insanely long compared to short illumina reads. They are still going to be following formats for files you mention.
There is one exception to make a note of.
Calculated Q scores are no longer provided for PacBio data (see this link):
This is only true for subreads data. Nearly all PacBio data is HiFi these days, which comes with PHRED scores.
Thanks for the clarification. I have not worked with PacBio data of late but remembered the page from a past discussion.
If you are with PacBio then you may want to consider making this information prominently available on company site. There is no definitive page to be found in a simple google search that lists this from official PacBio site e.g. "pacbio q score" via a google search.