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2.6 years ago
Hello to everyone!
I want to combine all samples (with different rows and columns) into one matrix, but when I'm trying to assign samples to empty combined matrix I have gotten this error:
"error number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length"
I was wondering can I add zeros to other samples to avoid this error.
Can you help me with how to proceed?
Here the code that I wrote:
# unique taxa of all data
all.genus <- c("taxa1","taxa2","taxa3","taxa4",
# unique samples of all data
all.samples <- c("sample1.1", "sample1.2", "sample1.3","sample2.1","sample2.2","sample2.3",
# creating matrix which containing all unique samples and taxa
combined.data = matrix(0, nrow = 8, ncol = 8)
rownames(combined.data) = all.genus
colnames(combined.data) = all.samples
# real sample1 which containing "sample1.1","sample1.2", "sample1.3"
sample1 <- matrix(runif(12), nrow = 4, ncol = 3)
colnames(sample1) = c("sample1.1", "sample1.2", "sample1.3")
rownames(sample1) = c("taxa1","taxa4","taxa5","taxa7")
# loop for assingn sample1data to combined.data
for(i in all.genus) {
ind = which(rownames(sample1) == i)
replace.data <- sample1[ind,]
combined.data[i,] = replace.data
Do you have multiple samples (i.e. other data such as
) you want to add to your combined matrix, or just that one?Yes, I have all 3 samples. The combined.data consist of all unique taxa and samples from that 3 samples.