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2.4 years ago
I am using treetime and I need nexus / newick format as an input. my question is how can I generate this file for input in treetime ?? or anyother tool to serve this purpose ?? I used iqtree but the output file is not in these formats
oh thanx for the help, I was using .iqtree file as an input.. this one helped but now there error is in alignment file.
File "/mnt/d/anaconda3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/treetime/wrappers.py", line 1004, in estimate_clock_model raise e File "/mnt/d/anaconda3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/treetime/wrappers.py", line 999, in estimate_clock_model
myTree = TreeTime(dates=dates, tree=params.tree, aln=aln, gtr='JC69'
,File "/mnt/d/anaconda3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/treetime/sequence_data.py", line 186, in aln
raise MissingDataError("SequenceData: loading alignment failed... " + str(in_aln))
treetime.MissingDataError: SequenceData: loading alignment failed... all.fasta
I've never actually used TreeTime and I don't know exactly what the issue is, but it looks like perhaps there is some sort of mismatch between the sequences in your alignment and the terminal branches in your tree. Or perhaps a formatting issue with your alignment.
I would double check to confirm that the sequence names in your alignment file exactly match the sequence names in your tree and the that the alignment is in fasta format.
Error was due to a problem in the alignment fasta file. mafft was causing some issue which lead to corrupt fasta file.